Friday, March 31, 2017

Ambassador in the Spotlight: Marissa


 My name is Marissa Flaherty and I am a freshman, Art and Design Education major. When I first came to Adelphi, I was very nervous and had no idea what to do. I got myself super involved, to make new friends and gain new experiences. Getting involved is definitely one of the best things you can do as a freshman to get adjusted to the new environment. I am an Admissions Ambassador, a member of the Adelphi Cheerleading Team, a part of Greek life, a member in FTA, Circle K, and C.A.L.I.B.E.R, and also work in the art department.

     That being said, getting involved can also make your days sometimes stressful. When you have to juggle classes, work, a sports team, and clubs/organizations life can get very hectic. This is where time management comes in and probably the most important thing you have to learn when coming to college. Already being halfway through my second semester I feel that I have become an expert at managing my time. After making my class schedule, I managed to put my work schedule in-between, before and after classes. I balanced that out with my practice and activities schedule so I have a set time time for everything and I even gave myself about 2 hours a day for homework when I get back home at night. Give or take some days you may have more homework than other days, so you also have to work around that and try to get everything done early so, your mind can be cleared and stress free! College so far has been such an amazing and rewarding experience, learning new things everyday and meeting so many new people! If I had to give one piece of advice to incoming freshman, it would be to get involved but to also manage your time well.

     Another thing to do to handle your responsibilities and not get stressed is to find a good balance between your crazy schedule and time to relax or hangout with friends. Make sure to plan things to do with friends over the weekends. This makes getting through a crazy week much easier because you have something to look forward to.

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